Worship and Pastoral Leaders

Rev. Nick Schoob (They/Them)- Pastor
Pastor Nick joined together with Epiphany Lutheran-Episcopal in March 2023. They have been raised up as a minister in the ELCA and has a deep love for pastoral care, justice/reconciliation work, and the restorative love of Christ as it is lived out in our world. They are three-quarter time and enjoy one Sunday a month where they get to be part of the congregation. They enjoy every geeky pursuit, love games of every sort (TTRPG, cards, video, board, field, etc.), reading, writing, and spending chill times with friends and in nature. If you have a pastoral emergency, please know that you can always reach out to them at nicholasschoob@gmail.com or call/text at 262-483-5725.
Pruney Gregg (She/Her)- Recognized Lay Leader (Episcopal Diocese)
Pruney Gregg is a long time resident of Valdez and has helped walk with this community through its transition from old town. She is constantly a warm and loving presence. She is fierce in her dedication to each member of our wider Valdez family and (to the chagrin of some) a beloved figure for our rabbit population. She is also recognized by the Alaska Diocese of the Episcopal church as a trained and recognized Lay Leader, both administering the sacraments and leading from the front of the congregation.
Kim Michaud (She/Her)- Synodical Authorized Minister (S.A.M) (ELCA)
Kim Michaud is another long-term member of the Valdez community and pillar (both in the sense of the worship team and wider Valdez) in our community. She has a passion for teaching and connecting with youth and currently heads our Children's Ministry on Sundays. She constantly seeks ways in which we can better ourselves and can become an ever more present reminder of the love of Christ for all peoples. Kim is also recognized as a Synodically Authorized Minister through the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and also administers the sacraments that remind us of Christ's Presence with us.
Sadie Blancaflor (She/Her)- S.A.M candidate
Sadie Blancaflor joined together with Epiphany Lutheran Episcopal Church in 2023 and has been an absolute dynamo within our congregation and within the larger Valdez community. She is currently just beginning the journey to becoming a S.A.M through the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as she also pursues her PH.D. She is a world traveler, an incredibly kind and welcoming person, and can take on almost anything that she puts her mind to. We are excited to get to be on this path together.
Pastor Nick joined together with Epiphany Lutheran-Episcopal in March 2023. They have been raised up as a minister in the ELCA and has a deep love for pastoral care, justice/reconciliation work, and the restorative love of Christ as it is lived out in our world. They are three-quarter time and enjoy one Sunday a month where they get to be part of the congregation. They enjoy every geeky pursuit, love games of every sort (TTRPG, cards, video, board, field, etc.), reading, writing, and spending chill times with friends and in nature. If you have a pastoral emergency, please know that you can always reach out to them at nicholasschoob@gmail.com or call/text at 262-483-5725.
Pruney Gregg (She/Her)- Recognized Lay Leader (Episcopal Diocese)
Pruney Gregg is a long time resident of Valdez and has helped walk with this community through its transition from old town. She is constantly a warm and loving presence. She is fierce in her dedication to each member of our wider Valdez family and (to the chagrin of some) a beloved figure for our rabbit population. She is also recognized by the Alaska Diocese of the Episcopal church as a trained and recognized Lay Leader, both administering the sacraments and leading from the front of the congregation.
Kim Michaud (She/Her)- Synodical Authorized Minister (S.A.M) (ELCA)
Kim Michaud is another long-term member of the Valdez community and pillar (both in the sense of the worship team and wider Valdez) in our community. She has a passion for teaching and connecting with youth and currently heads our Children's Ministry on Sundays. She constantly seeks ways in which we can better ourselves and can become an ever more present reminder of the love of Christ for all peoples. Kim is also recognized as a Synodically Authorized Minister through the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and also administers the sacraments that remind us of Christ's Presence with us.
Sadie Blancaflor (She/Her)- S.A.M candidate
Sadie Blancaflor joined together with Epiphany Lutheran Episcopal Church in 2023 and has been an absolute dynamo within our congregation and within the larger Valdez community. She is currently just beginning the journey to becoming a S.A.M through the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as she also pursues her PH.D. She is a world traveler, an incredibly kind and welcoming person, and can take on almost anything that she puts her mind to. We are excited to get to be on this path together.
Our Church Council
Mike Bowden- President
Kelley Brown- Vice-President
Sadie Blancaflor- Secretary
Kathy Hayden- Treasurer
Becky Conger
Kate Goodreau
Louise Parish
Donna Schanz
Faith and Life Groups
Members take turns doing upkeep of the church and taking leadership roles in worship.
Get involved in a Faith and Life Group by contacting one of the leaders:
Jan Whalen
Sara Goodreau
Kim Michaud
Worship Planning Team
The worship planning team meets two Saturdays a month at 9:30 AM.
Dr. Kathy Todd, pianist
Priscilla Gregg, Episcopal lay leader
Kim Michaud, Sunday school education and SAM
Jan Whalen, confirmation education
Phylicia Barnum
Mutual Ministry Team
The Mutual Ministry Team meets quarterly to discern what is happening within the congregation as a whole, address concerns, and lift up open communication.
Maintenance Team
The maintenance team meets quarterly to discuss necessary repairs and regular maintenance of the church building and parsonage.
Wayne Dahl
Steve Newcomer
Donna Schanz
Steve Goodreau
Mike Bowden
Love How You Are Team
This group meets to explore how we as a congregation are welcoming to all people, especially LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals, and how we can further grow into this reality.
Jennie Kelly
Nick Schoob
Pruney Gregg
Jan Whalen
Becky and Monica Conger
Sadie Blancaflor
Kim Michaud
For more information about the process of affirming LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC folks, check out ReconcilingWorks.
Kelley Brown- Vice-President
Sadie Blancaflor- Secretary
Kathy Hayden- Treasurer
Becky Conger
Kate Goodreau
Louise Parish
Donna Schanz
Faith and Life Groups
Members take turns doing upkeep of the church and taking leadership roles in worship.
Get involved in a Faith and Life Group by contacting one of the leaders:
Jan Whalen
Sara Goodreau
Kim Michaud
Worship Planning Team
The worship planning team meets two Saturdays a month at 9:30 AM.
Dr. Kathy Todd, pianist
Priscilla Gregg, Episcopal lay leader
Kim Michaud, Sunday school education and SAM
Jan Whalen, confirmation education
Phylicia Barnum
Mutual Ministry Team
The Mutual Ministry Team meets quarterly to discern what is happening within the congregation as a whole, address concerns, and lift up open communication.
Maintenance Team
The maintenance team meets quarterly to discuss necessary repairs and regular maintenance of the church building and parsonage.
Wayne Dahl
Steve Newcomer
Donna Schanz
Steve Goodreau
Mike Bowden
Love How You Are Team
This group meets to explore how we as a congregation are welcoming to all people, especially LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals, and how we can further grow into this reality.
Jennie Kelly
Nick Schoob
Pruney Gregg
Jan Whalen
Becky and Monica Conger
Sadie Blancaflor
Kim Michaud
For more information about the process of affirming LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC folks, check out ReconcilingWorks.